Manage leads with SalezShark internet lead management system
SalezShark helps you in automating your entire lead management process that majorly involves capturing the leads, scoring them, distributing, nurturing, and then finally converting the leads into paying customers. When it comes to lead nurturing then it is a tedious process to capture leads manually from multiple portals like social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram), landing pages, email campaigns, and so on. To make it quick SalezShark automates this process and with a single sign-in into the SalezShark system you can see all leads get captured from multiple portals automatically and imported into the system. By leveraging this power of automation without wasting any time you can start working on leads instantly and amplify the productivity of your lead management process. Besides lead capturing, with the power of SalezShark automation, you can automate the process of lead scoring and lead distribution too. Here you need to simply put any rule or parameter in the system and after that when any lead enters the system it gets a score automatically, based on that sales and marketing executives can evaluate the relevance of leads and start building interactions with leads. Once all the leads get scores they also get automatically distributed among sales executives based on the rule set by you in the system. Every lead gets assigned to the most appropriate sales executives based on his/her area of expertise which ensures all leads get nurtured properly.
Strengthen your relationships with leads
Once you automate the process of lead capturing, scoring, and distribution; the next step is to build strong relationships with leads and that gets only possible with a robust lead nurturing process. This is the most crucial stage because if leads are not nurtured properly they tend to lose interest in your products and services and you might lose good leads. At this stage, they need to be educated properly on your products and services but simply educating won’t work. You need to share informative content on your products and services in a manner that resonates with the needs and pain points of leads. Your content should generate curiosity among leads to know more about your products and services and should start believing that your products and services can act as a solution to their issues. You can do this effectively by calling the leads and also by sending regular emails and building seamless communication with leads. By doing so you keep a constant touch with leads and the chances of missing any lead become negligible. SalezShark helps you in automating this process too by allowing you to draft, schedule, and run multiple mass email campaigns that generate awareness and curiosity among leads to buy from you. You can create a follow-up email campaign quickly by accessing the SalezShark email template library gallery which offers a variety of highly customized email templates. You can choose your desired email template and by using the drag and drop functionality you can create email campaigns in a few clicks. After that, you can schedule these email campaigns based on any event, date, holiday, time zone, and geographies that ensure your emails deliver at the right time. Apart from that, you can also personalize every email in the mass email campaign by addressing every email recipient with his/her first name which enhances personalized communication and relationship with leads.
Boost lead conversion
Last but not least and the most crucial stage that can either make your sales up or down is the lead conversion stage of the lead management cycle. This is the stage where your leads make a buying decision. This is the stage where they are not only interacting with you but also with your competitors. Hence this is the most crucial time for you and your sales team to maintain the stickiness with leads. Here if you miss any communication or any query made by a lead can be lethal for your business, you won’t only lose a good deal but also the brand reputation might go down. So to get rid of such a situation SalezShark offers you a feature of creating a visual sales funnel. In this sales funnel you can keep all your leads together arranged based on the kind of interactions and their probability of buying from you. As the lead shows more interest in buying, you can move it to the bottom of the funnel. This can be done easily by using the drag and drop functionality. This visual sales funnel also helps you in prioritizing leads and you can work first on those leads that are at the bottom of the funnel with high possibilities of buying from you and then the rest of the leads. In this manner, you can work on all leads together and can also know when to give attention to which leads helps in boosting the lead conversions.
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Advantages of SalezShark online lead management software
SalezShark offers you ample advantages that make the job of your sales and marketing professionals easy in driving the lead management process and producing a good number of sales that boost your revenue generation. By using SalezShark not only do sales and marketing agents get the benefits but also it helps senior sales professionals in forecasting sales accurately. As you place leads into the sales funnel it automatically calculates the expected amount of revenue that can be generated from every lead. Hence, just by looking at the sales funnel it becomes easy for senior sales managers to calculate the overall expected number of sales and revenue generation for any period of time. Also by using SalezShark, you can rest assured of its accessibility as it is cloud-based software so it can be easily accessed from anywhere with the help of the internet. SalezShark also offers you a highly safe online environment where all your documents and customer information are secured. It allows you to set permissions to online documents and based on that you can either allow or deny access to view or edit the information by any employee of your organization.
Last but not least is the process of deploying the SalezShark lead management system. Well, unlike other systems, SalezShark onboarding is very quick and simple. SalezShark offers a seamless onboarding process and it doesn’t require much effort by employees to start using it on a daily basis. With multiple training sessions and live tutorials, the process of onboarding becomes easy and quick. So, if you are keen to boost your lead management cycle performance and elevate customer engagement to the next level resulting in the growth of sales and revenue generation then choose SalezShark online lead management software now.
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