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LaQuercia21 - handmade design production

LaQuercia21 - handmade design production Emails and Contacts

LaQuercia21 - handmade design production is one of the leading Furniture Companies in India having its headquarters at Chennai, Tamil Nadu . LaQuercia21 - handmade design production has a large market share in falegnameria, contract, design, artigianato, su misura, progettazione di interni, lucidatura, progettazione e produzione mobili products and services. As it is a Self Employed Company so there are 1 - 50 employees working in LaQuercia21 - handmade design production. Even LaQuercia21 - handmade design production generates a yearly revenue of 1 - 50 every year making it one of the top players in the Furniture industry. This company has 1 - 50 employees, and you can see the emails and phone numbers of the top working professionals in LaQuercia21 - handmade design production.

Detailed Overview of LaQuercia21 - handmade design production | Emails & Phone

  • Company Name

    LaQuercia21 - handmade design production

  • Official Contact


  • Official Address

    254-260 Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu... More

  • Industry Type


  • Employees Range

    1 - 50

  • Revenue Range

    1 - 50

  • Company Type

    Self Employed

  • Official Website

  • Products/Services

    falegnameria, contract, design, artigianato, su mi... More

LaQuercia21 - handmade design production - Designation, Email Address and Phone Numbers

Check the Email and Phone Number List of the Top Management working at the LaQuercia21 - handmade design production

NameDesignationEmail AddressContact NumberView Email & Phone
***uca Pas***Co-fondatore della falegnameria di design artigianale Laquerca21**********5644 View Email & Phone
DesignationsLaQuercia21 - handmade design production

How do Emails and Phone Numbers of LaQuercia21 - handmade design production Help in Bringing Leads?

After viewing all the LaQuercia21 - handmade design production employees' emails like the emails of the CXO, Marketing Head, CEO, Sales Head, O Level, Management, Admin, CFO Contact, HR Head Email, Managing Director,Founder, and other Key Employees you can use the Connect+ Email Marketing Tool to send them bulk emails and generate leads. LaQuercia21 - handmade design production has a revenue of 1 - 50 and 1 - 50 employees are working at LaQuercia21 - handmade design production to whom you can hit the emails.

Companies Similar to
LaQuercia21 - handmade design production

Here are some companies that are similar to LaQuercia21 - handmade design production as all of them are from the Furniture industry.

All of these companies operate in falegnameria, contract, design, artigianato, su misura, progettazione di interni, lucidatura, progettazione e produzione mobili and you can pick any of them and get an Overview with their employee’s email address as they are similar to LaQuercia21 - handmade design production.

NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Haworth India Pvt LtdFurniture Maharashtra,India 5001 & Above
Nilkamal LtdFurniture Maharashtra,India 2501 - 5000
Zuari Furniture - IndiaFurniture Tamil Nadu,India 251 - 500
Riyadh House/JeraisyFurniture Tamil Nadu,India 251 - 500
NARBUTASFurniture Tamil Nadu,India 251 - 500
NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Bespoke InteriorsFurniture Maharashtra,India 1 - 50
Aidan McEvoy Fine FurnitureFurniture Maharashtra,India 1 - 50
Alba InteriorsFurniture Haryana,India 1 - 50
Kitchen Creations by AbilityFurniture New York,United States Of America 1 - 50
BeneSit.dkFurniture Maharashtra,India 1 - 50

Key Competitors of LaQuercia21 - handmade design production

You should not miss the competitors of LaQuercia21 - handmade design production because you can even target LaQuercia21 - handmade design production’s competitors to promote your product through email marketing. Their Product and Services might differ from LaQuercia21 - handmade design production but the employee size they all have is 1 - 50 employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

The headquarters of LaQuercia21 - handmade design production is in Tamil Nadu, India

The Official Website of the LaQuercia21 - handmade design production is

The Industry type of LaQuercia21 - handmade design production is Furniture

The overall employees at LaQuercia21 - handmade design production are 1 - 50

LaQuercia21 - handmade design production generates an income of 1 - 50 in a year

The products and services offered by LaQuercia21 - handmade design production are falegnameria, contract, design, artigianato, su misura, progettazione di interni, lucidatura, progettazione e produzione mobili

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