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Harmony Healthcare

Harmony Healthcare Emails and Contacts

Harmony Healthcare is one of the leading Hospital and Health Care Companies in United States Of America having its headquarters at Palo Alto, California . Harmony Healthcare has a large market share in homecare, complex care, healthcare, nurse led care, clinical care, live in care, end of life care, dementia care, mental health care, paediatric care, adult care, overnight care, emergency homecare, respite homecare, convalescent care, short term care, learning disabilities, arthiritis, motor neurone disease, cancer care, spinal injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, bariatric products and services. As it is a Privately Held Company so there are 51 - 100 employees working in Harmony Healthcare. Even Harmony Healthcare generates a yearly revenue of 51 - 100 every year making it one of the top players in the Hospital and Health Care industry. This company has 51 - 100 employees, and you can see the emails and phone numbers of the top 5 working professionals in Harmony Healthcare.

Detailed Overview of Harmony Healthcare | Emails & Phone

  • Company Name

    Harmony Healthcare

  • Official Contact


  • Official Address

    248 Homer Ave, Palo Alto, California, United State... More

  • Industry Type

    Hospital and Health Care

  • Employees Range

    51 - 100

  • Revenue Range

    51 - 100

  • Company Type

    Privately Held

  • Official Website

  • Products/Services

    homecare, complex care, healthcare, nurse led care... More

Harmony Healthcare - Designation, Email Address and Phone Numbers

Check the Email and Phone Number List of the Top Management working at the Harmony Healthcare

NameDesignationEmail AddressContact NumberView Email & Phone
***esh Dos***Chief Executive Officer**********9113 View Email & Phone
***mas Gel***Recruitment Consultant**********2518 View Email & Phone
***iya Lad***New Business & Mobilisation Manager**********4503 View Email & Phone
***esa Woo***Senior Clinical Manager**********6287 View Email & Phone
***ara Sil***Nurse case manager**********3049 View Email & Phone
DesignationsHarmony Healthcare

How do Emails and Phone Numbers of Harmony Healthcare Help in Bringing Leads?

After viewing all the Harmony Healthcare employees' emails like the emails of the Admin, O Level, Management, Managing Director,Founder, CEO, HR Head Email, CXO, Sales Head, CFO Contact, Marketing Head, and other Key Employees you can use the Connect+ Email Marketing Tool to send them bulk emails and generate leads. Harmony Healthcare has a revenue of 51 - 100 and 51 - 100 employees are working at Harmony Healthcare to whom you can hit the emails.

Companies Similar to
Harmony Healthcare

Here are some companies that are similar to Harmony Healthcare as all of them are from the Hospital and Health Care industry.

All of these companies operate in homecare, complex care, healthcare, nurse led care, clinical care, live in care, end of life care, dementia care, mental health care, paediatric care, adult care, overnight care, emergency homecare, respite homecare, convalescent care, short term care, learning disabilities, arthiritis, motor neurone disease, cancer care, spinal injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, bariatric and you can pick any of them and get an Overview with their employee’s email address as they are similar to Harmony Healthcare.

NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Rodan + Fields DermatologistsHospital and Health Care California,United States Of America 2501 - 5000
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustHospital and Health Care California,United States Of America 5001 & Above
Cape Fear Valley HealthHospital and Health Care California,United States Of America 5001 & Above
Cleveland ClinicHospital and Health Care California,United States Of America 5001 & Above
BaxterHospital and Health Care Illinois,United States Of America 2501 - 5000
NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Fathima Healthcare GroupHospital and Health Care Lower Saxony,Germany 51 - 100
CHASEHospital and Health Care New York,United States Of America 51 - 100
CURA UnternehmensgruppeHospital and Health Care Sindh,Pakistan 51 - 100
Tribeca CareHospital and Health Care West Bengal,India 51 - 100
ClinikkHospital and Health Care Karnataka,India 51 - 100

Key Competitors of Harmony Healthcare

You should not miss the competitors of Harmony Healthcare because you can even target Harmony Healthcare’s competitors to promote your product through email marketing. Their Product and Services might differ from Harmony Healthcare but the employee size they all have is 51 - 100 employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

The headquarters of Harmony Healthcare is in California, United States Of America

The Official Website of the Harmony Healthcare is

The Industry type of Harmony Healthcare is Hospital and Health Care

The overall employees at Harmony Healthcare are 51 - 100

Harmony Healthcare generates an income of 51 - 100 in a year

The products and services offered by Harmony Healthcare are homecare, complex care, healthcare, nurse led care, clinical care, live in care, end of life care, dementia care, mental health care, paediatric care, adult care, overnight care, emergency homecare, respite homecare, convalescent care, short term care, learning disabilities, arthiritis, motor neurone disease, cancer care, spinal injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, bariatric

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