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Bridgford Interiors Limited

Bridgford Interiors Limited Emails and Contacts

Bridgford Interiors Limited is one of the leading Construction Companies in India having its headquarters at Puducherry, Puducherry . Bridgford Interiors Limited has a large market share in building better together bridgford interiors limited is 100 employee owned, principal contractor for the interior fit out & refurbishment of property across the uk, expereience of delivering projects across the retail, leisure, hospitality sectors, health, safety, the environment considerations form part of everything that we do, in excess of 85 of our turnover is generated through frameworks for retained blue chip clients, continual improvement looking for creative ideas, solutions & improvements, relationships whether that be internal, with our clients, our supply chain or any specialist advisers are crucial to our success, honesty, trust we all make mistakes but how we deal with them is what matters, right person, right place, right time having the right tools for the job is essential & this is true for our greatest resource, a positive outlook can be contagious being confident & enthusiastic, motivating others, challenging negativity & dealing with problems generate success products and services. As it is a Privately Held Company so there are 1 - 50 employees working in Bridgford Interiors Limited. Even Bridgford Interiors Limited generates a yearly revenue of 1 - 50 every year making it one of the top players in the Construction industry. This company has 1 - 50 employees, and you can see the emails and phone numbers of the top 4 working professionals in Bridgford Interiors Limited.

Detailed Overview of Bridgford Interiors Limited | Emails & Phone

  • Company Name

    Bridgford Interiors Limited

  • Official Contact


  • Official Address

    E C R Road, Puducherry, Puducherry, India, 605008,... More

  • Industry Type


  • Employees Range

    1 - 50

  • Revenue Range

    1 - 50

  • Company Type

    Privately Held

  • Official Website

  • Products/Services

    building better together bridgford interiors limit... More

Bridgford Interiors Limited - Designation, Email Address and Phone Numbers

Check the Email and Phone Number List of the Top Management working at the Bridgford Interiors Limited

NameDesignationEmail AddressContact NumberView Email & Phone
***lan Pal***Managing Director**********2161 View Email & Phone
***aul Coc***Chief Executive Officer**********8886 View Email & Phone
***Jez Siv***Design Manager**********6342 View Email & Phone
***dan Gra***Group Accountant**********3161 View Email & Phone
DesignationsBridgford Interiors Limited

How do Emails and Phone Numbers of Bridgford Interiors Limited Help in Bringing Leads?

After viewing all the Bridgford Interiors Limited employees' emails like the emails of the Management, HR Head Email, O Level, Managing Director,Founder, CFO Contact, Marketing Head, CXO, CEO, Admin, Sales Head, and other Key Employees you can use the Connect+ Email Marketing Tool to send them bulk emails and generate leads. Bridgford Interiors Limited has a revenue of 1 - 50 and 1 - 50 employees are working at Bridgford Interiors Limited to whom you can hit the emails.

Companies Similar to
Bridgford Interiors Limited

Here are some companies that are similar to Bridgford Interiors Limited as all of them are from the Construction industry.

All of these companies operate in building better together bridgford interiors limited is 100 employee owned, principal contractor for the interior fit out & refurbishment of property across the uk, expereience of delivering projects across the retail, leisure, hospitality sectors, health, safety, the environment considerations form part of everything that we do, in excess of 85 of our turnover is generated through frameworks for retained blue chip clients, continual improvement looking for creative ideas, solutions & improvements, relationships whether that be internal, with our clients, our supply chain or any specialist advisers are crucial to our success, honesty, trust we all make mistakes but how we deal with them is what matters, right person, right place, right time having the right tools for the job is essential & this is true for our greatest resource, a positive outlook can be contagious being confident & enthusiastic, motivating others, challenging negativity & dealing with problems generate success and you can pick any of them and get an Overview with their employee’s email address as they are similar to Bridgford Interiors Limited.

NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Metalscope India Private LimitedConstruction Puducherry,India 101 - 250
Lee Meehan RoofingConstruction Puducherry,India 1 - 50
Speedfloor Building SystemsConstruction Puducherry,India 1 - 50
NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Eden Project Interiors LtdConstruction Maharashtra,India 1 - 50
TDK vac truck servicesConstruction New York,United States Of America 1 - 50
Eddie Beedle LtdConstruction Uttar Pradesh,India 1 - 50
VAC / Hardouin LocConstruction Maharashtra,India 1 - 50
EDC TERRASSEMENTConstruction Gujarat,India 1 - 50

Key Competitors of Bridgford Interiors Limited

You should not miss the competitors of Bridgford Interiors Limited because you can even target Bridgford Interiors Limited’s competitors to promote your product through email marketing. Their Product and Services might differ from Bridgford Interiors Limited but the employee size they all have is 1 - 50 employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

The headquarters of Bridgford Interiors Limited is in Puducherry, India

The Official Website of the Bridgford Interiors Limited is

The Industry type of Bridgford Interiors Limited is Construction

The overall employees at Bridgford Interiors Limited are 1 - 50

Bridgford Interiors Limited generates an income of 1 - 50 in a year

The products and services offered by Bridgford Interiors Limited are building better together bridgford interiors limited is 100 employee owned, principal contractor for the interior fit out & refurbishment of property across the uk, expereience of delivering projects across the retail, leisure, hospitality sectors, health, safety, the environment considerations form part of everything that we do, in excess of 85 of our turnover is generated through frameworks for retained blue chip clients, continual improvement looking for creative ideas, solutions & improvements, relationships whether that be internal, with our clients, our supply chain or any specialist advisers are crucial to our success, honesty, trust we all make mistakes but how we deal with them is what matters, right person, right place, right time having the right tools for the job is essential & this is true for our greatest resource, a positive outlook can be contagious being confident & enthusiastic, motivating others, challenging negativity & dealing with problems generate success

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