AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC is one of the leading Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Companies in Kuwait having its headquarters at Sabhan, Safat 13119 . AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC has a large market share in * Eleven units having working area of 100,000 square meters. , * Most modern production facilities including 50 CNC machines. , * Intelligent robotic welding machines. , * Most modern powder coating & electroplating facilities. , * Computer aided Vacuum Casting plant, Vacuum Drying ovens, & Oil filtration plants. , * 500 Computers in Fiber optic Network linked to CNC Machines. , * Test facilities as per international standards including 1000kV impulse and partial discharge. , * Design, manufacture and commissioning of large substations including custom made packaged substations of different configurations, sizes and weights. * Engineering Consultant for EPC projects. products and services. As it is a Privately Held Company so there are 501 - 1000 employees working in AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC. Even AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC generates a yearly revenue of 501 - 1000 every year making it one of the top players in the Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry. This company has 501 - 1000 employees, and you can see the emails and phone numbers of the top 3 working professionals in AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC.
- View Emails/Numbers
- Sabhan, Safat 13119
Detailed Overview of AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC | Emails & Phone
Company Name
Official Contact
Official Address
UNIT - 06; Block 3, Street No. 101, ,Plot No 119, ... More
Industry Type
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
Employees Range
501 - 1000
Revenue Range
501 - 1000
Company Type
Privately Held
Official Website
* Eleven units having working area of 100,000 squa... More
AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC - Designation, Email Address and Phone Numbers
Check the Email and Phone Number List of the Top Management working at the AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC
Name | Designation | Email Address | Contact Number | View Email & Phone |
***noj man*** | Project Engineer | **** | ******5036 | View Email & Phone |
***esh Rav*** | IT Support Engineer | **** | ******3094 | View Email & Phone |
***nan Kma*** | Asst.Manager, Information Technology | **** | ******8649 | View Email & Phone |
How do Emails and Phone Numbers of AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC Help in Bringing Leads?
After viewing all the AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC employees' emails like the emails of the Managing Director,Founder, Sales Head, O Level, CFO Contact, CXO, Marketing Head, Management, Admin, CEO, HR Head Email, and other Key Employees you can use the Connect+ Email Marketing Tool to send them bulk emails and generate leads. AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC has a revenue of 501 - 1000 and 501 - 1000 employees are working at AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC to whom you can hit the emails.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Headquarters of AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC?
The headquarters of AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC is in Safat 13119, Kuwait
What is the Official Website of the AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC?
The Official Website of the AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC is
What is the industry type of AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC?
The Industry type of AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC is Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
How many employees are there at AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC?
The overall employees at AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC are 501 - 1000
What is the yearly Revenue generated every month by AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC?
AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC generates an income of 501 - 1000 in a year
What are the Products and Services offered by AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC?
The products and services offered by AL AHLEIA SWITCHGEAR CO. KSCC are * Eleven units having working area of 100,000 square meters. , * Most modern production facilities including 50 CNC machines. , * Intelligent robotic welding machines. , * Most modern powder coating & electroplating facilities. , * Computer aided Vacuum Casting plant, Vacuum Drying ovens, & Oil filtration plants. , * 500 Computers in Fiber optic Network linked to CNC Machines. , * Test facilities as per international standards including 1000kV impulse and partial discharge. , * Design, manufacture and commissioning of large substations including custom made packaged substations of different configurations, sizes and weights. * Engineering Consultant for EPC projects.