by salezshark | Feb 22, 2016 | Marketing, SaaS, Sales
Email is probably the first attempt to lure a customer in to your plan. However, what if your E mail is just ticked and spammed? This certainly is your worst expectation. Your only objective while devising an E mail Campaign is to send the message out to the right...
by salezshark | Feb 18, 2016 | Marketing
There are quite a few ways to win customers as you go along your sales journey but nothing beats being able to offer a great customer experience and eventually harness customer satisfaction. To keep things simple, an ice cream seller is your man to learn the tricks...
by salezshark | Feb 15, 2016 | Marketing
Marketing strategies are complex and often tend to vary widely across industries, sectors and firms. However, it is crucial to build such strategies to easily overcome marketing challenges in the business arena. Marketing plays a pivotal role in an organisation. It...
by salezshark | Feb 11, 2016 | Start Ups
You may be a master of all trades, however, to speedily flourish in business, you will certainly need additional people to help you heighten your company’s sales. Today, it is crucial to hire the right workforce who can contribute to enhance the sales and marketing...
by salezshark | Feb 10, 2016 | Business Solutions
Today is the era of an empowered customer who has choices and comes with expectations. Heightened customer expectations and the need to be ahead of market competition has led many organisations to build progressive strategies to exceed customer satisfaction. Today,...
by salezshark | Feb 8, 2016 | Sales
Since time immemorial, sales have played a major role to shape structure, trajectory, growth and future of an organization. It has the ability to sabotage business and the potential to elevate success of a company, lifting it from a micro to macro level. At present,...
by salezshark | Sep 18, 2015 | SaaS
Sales is imperative for driving business growth. This profession’s significance has intensified in today’ centennial age where ‘buyers 2.0’ have become more aware and intuitive of their role in the sales conversation. Sales is no more transactional; it is about...
by salezshark | Sep 18, 2015 | Sales
Ever wondered what is that one thing because of which you may be losing out on sales opportunities? In the digital era of getting everything done at the click of a mouse, we often forget some very small, yet significant aspects to make the optimal use of technology...