Understanding the Modern B2B Buyer

Understanding the Modern B2B Buyer

The B2B selling space is rapidly evolving and demographics are continuously shifting. Getting in alignment with buyers in such a scenario, is no easy feature. Today, if you want to emerge as a ‘buyer centric’ company, you should first be able to understand your buyer...
What Does the Future of SaaS Look Like?

What Does the Future of SaaS Look Like?

There was a time when companies used to build and maintain their IT infrastructure which would cost them exponentially. Fast forward to present, companies embrace SaaS which gives them an option to plug-in and subscribe to services built in a shared infrastructure via...
When Content Strikes a Chord with Sales

When Content Strikes a Chord with Sales

Nearly 40 per cent of companies use blogs and newsletters for marketing and sales purposes and over 46 per cent of people read such content on a daily basis. We are living in a day and age where the consumer no longer consults a sales executive to make a decision,...
Here’s What Social Selling Isn’t!

Here’s What Social Selling Isn’t!

Social selling is an integral part of your sales tool- box. While many business leaders confidently integrate this apparatus in a business course, some still feel doubtful and often misunderstand it. It is imperative that you understand what social selling isn’t...
Your Sales Approach is Dying; Give it a Boost!

Your Sales Approach is Dying; Give it a Boost!

The traditional methods of selling which mostly involved cold calling and blind targeting are dead. Your Sales Approach is Dying And if you as a company are still following the long forgotten methods, it’s time you gave your sales strategy a quick revamp. Boosting...