Marketing Lessons from Demonetization

Marketing Lessons from Demonetization

While everybody was expecting the vote count news on American elections, we sure as hell, did not expect our Prime Minister announcing the demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes. The impact was real BIG. It set the Twitteratis in hysteria with endless opinions and...
Phone Photography for Better Marketing

Phone Photography for Better Marketing

As a marketer, Millennials is a term I come across every single day. The fact that we see emojis and selfies in the marketing of many brands today depicts the extent to which Millennials (armed with their smartphones) have transformed how businesses approach...
The Muscle of Word of Mouth

The Muscle of Word of Mouth

In today’s world of digitalization, the best kind of advertising may still be the chitter-chatter that marketers do not pay for.Advertising may be “one of the best” Business Intelligence Solutions in trade but it is certainly not “the best”. In fact, spending a...
Are You Ready For Activity Based Selling?

Are You Ready For Activity Based Selling?

It is rightly said that one should focus on the procedure of sales rather than aiming towards the closing ratio, just for sake of doing it. Then, selling is not a single aspect, but it is a continuous process you go through to make the sales happen. Starting from the...
When Business Relationships Fail

When Business Relationships Fail

Vision is the first step to efficiently operate a business. Yet, vision doesn’t always cut it. Similar to every entrepreneur, I had a vision but with the experience I’ve realized the importance of a strong plan, as well. Having a plan is akin to a great backup- if...
Sales and Marketing Winning Together!

Sales and Marketing Winning Together!

Aligning sales and marketing campaigns is crucial for big wins in customer experience. It is that one crucial to all businesses across sectors, which is responsible to make your journey worthwhile in trade. At the same time, sales and marketing alignment may sound...