Gift Your Sales Team the Power of SalezShark Sales Automation

Shoot-Up your Business Sales Figures: SalezShark Sales Automation SalezShark offers you powerful CRM software that enables your sales team to scale-up sales figures in no time. It is integrated with advanced sales automation tools that not only automate your...

How to Motivate Your Sales Team – Proven Strategies in 2021

Most of the sales professionals work under huge pressure of achieving their sales targets on time. They work hard throughout the day to cracks deals. Not every day is the same, sometimes they crack sales and sometimes they fail to convert leads into deals. During such...

Significance of CRM to Analyze Customer Behaviour Patterns

Customer relationship management (CRM) software plays a vital role in creating personalized experiences for buyers and users. Primarily this software is used by b2b and b2c organizations to keep track of their sales and marketing teams’ performance, store vital...

Tips For A Successful CRM Software Implementation

Undoubtedly, CRM is an invaluable tool that can streamline various business processes. But the challenge lies in getting employees to embrace the change and accept the new application and unfamiliar processes.  There are many things you can do to motivate your...

Marketing Automation & CRM: Two Sides of a Coin

Generally, people consider marketing automation and CRM software to serve almost the same purpose for businesses to generate revenue. Many marketing and sales professionals also find it difficult to differentiate between the two. However, if the difference between...

Popular CRM Software Trends in 2021

In the past decade with the pace of time, the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software has evolved by leaps and bounds. It is no more a mere tool to manage contacts but more than that anybody could ever think of. Either b2c or b2b environment, CRM software...

Sell More in Less Time with SalezShark Sales Automation CRM

Sales CRM with Automation is not the choice but essential for automating the lead prioritization process, fixing appointments, managing bulk data, creating follow-ups, and so forth in order to ensure that you have enough time to sell. How Automated Software Helps To...

Get 360-Degree Customer View with SalezShark

Buying CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is a crucial decision that can either make or break your brand’s image. You must ensure CRM you going to invest actually worth buying to implement into your business processes to get more customers. In order...