How to Customize SalezShark CRM for Your Business Needs

Written By Yousuf Hasan

Published on September 18, 2024

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is the backbone of any successful business. The more tailored it is to your specific needs, the more effective it becomes. Customize SalezShark CRM to ensure that your business can not only organize its sales efforts but also supercharge growth and customer engagement. SalezShark offers a wide array of customization options that help you adapt the CRM to your unique processes, making it a perfect fit for businesses of all sizes.

In this blog, we’ll walk through the various customization options SalezShark CRM offers and how they can help boost your sales and customer relationships.

Why Customization is Important for Your Business

Every business has different sales strategies, workflows, and customer engagement processes. A one-size-fits-all CRM often falls short of addressing these unique aspects. This is where the ability to Customize SalezShark CRM becomes crucial. Whether you’re a small business with a simple workflow or a large enterprise with complex sales cycles, SalezShark’s customization options let you tweak the system to match your business needs.

Customization not only improves efficiency but also enhances the user experience, ensuring your team can work seamlessly with the platform.

Custom Fields: Track the Data That Matters

One of the most useful ways to Customize SalezShark CRM is by creating custom fields. Custom fields allow you to track specific data points that are relevant to your business. Whether it’s additional customer information, purchase history, or specific preferences, you can easily add custom fields to match the information your team needs to track.

For example, if your business sells software, you may want to track whether a lead is interested in a demo or trial version. By adding a custom field for this, your sales team can immediately identify where to focus their efforts.

Benefits of custom fields:

  • Capture and track unique information about leads.
  • Improve lead segmentation based on your own criteria.
  • Make data-driven decisions using metrics specific to your business.


Sales Pipelines: Tailor Your Sales Workflow

Every business has its own unique sales pipeline. SalezShark allows you to customize your sales stages to reflect the exact process your team follows. By doing this, you can keep a close eye on each stage of the customer journey, from lead generation to closing the deal.

Customize SalezShark CRM to reflect your sales funnel:

  • Set up multiple pipelines for different products or services.
  • Name each stage of the pipeline according to your business’s process (e.g., “Initial Contact,” “Demo Scheduled,” “Proposal Sent”).
  • Track where each lead is in the pipeline and identify bottlenecks quickly.

Custom pipelines make it easier for your sales team to understand where they stand with each lead and what steps to take next, speeding up the process of closing deals.

Automated Workflows: Boost Efficiency

Automation is key to improving efficiency and saving time. SalezShark offers the option to customize workflows to automate repetitive tasks. This not only lightens the load on your sales and marketing teams but also ensures that no lead is left behind.

For example, you can automate the process of sending follow-up emails after a lead expresses interest in your product or set up reminders for sales reps to contact leads who haven’t responded in a certain amount of time.

Customization options for automated workflows include:

  • Automatically assign leads to sales reps based on criteria like location or industry.
  • Set up automated email sequences to nurture leads over time.
  • Trigger notifications or tasks when certain actions are taken, like a lead opening an email.

By customizing workflows, you can make sure that every part of the customer journey is covered, improving response times and lead conversion rates.

Custom Reports: Analyze What Matters

Reporting is one of the most powerful features of any CRM. Customize SalezShark CRM reports to focus on the data that truly matters to your business. SalezShark offers a variety of pre-built reports, but with customization, you can dive deeper into metrics specific to your goals.

You can create custom reports to track performance in areas such as:

  • Sales volume by product or service.
  • Conversion rates at different stages of your sales pipeline.
  • Lead source analysis to see which marketing channels are most effective.

Having access to custom reports helps you make data-driven decisions, identify strengths and weaknesses, and optimize your sales strategy for better results.

Personalized Dashboards: Get Insights at a Glance

With SalezShark, you can also Customize SalezShark CRM by designing personalized dashboards for each team member. Dashboards give you an at-a-glance view of key metrics, ensuring that everyone stays on top of their goals.

Customization options for dashboards include:

  • Display key performance indicators (KPIs) like total sales, upcoming tasks, or leads in the pipeline.
  • Set up individual dashboards for each team member, showing only the data relevant to their role.
  • Use visual aids like graphs and charts to make complex data easier to understand.

Personalized dashboards make it easy to stay organized and focused, allowing you to quickly identify which areas of the sales process need attention.

Integration with Third-Party Apps: Expand Functionality

Another powerful way to Customize SalezShark CRM is by integrating it with your favorite apps. SalezShark allows you to connect with various third-party apps such as Gmail, Slack, and Google Calendar to streamline your workflow.

These integrations make it easy to manage your emails, communicate with team members, and schedule meetings without leaving the CRM. They also allow you to sync data across platforms, saving time and improving accuracy.

For example:

  • Syncing with Gmail lets you manage your email conversations directly from SalezShark.
  • Connecting with Slack ensures real-time communication with your team.
  • Integrating Google Calendar ensures that meetings are scheduled without any double-booking issues.

These integrations boost productivity by keeping all your tools connected and working together seamlessly.

Custom User Roles and Permissions: Control Access

As your business grows, it’s important to ensure that different team members have access to the tools they need—without compromising sensitive data. SalezShark allows you to customize user roles and permissions so that each team member only has access to the parts of the CRM that are relevant to their job.

For example, you can restrict access to financial reports for your accounting team while giving your sales team access to lead data. This ensures security while maintaining efficiency.


Customizing SalezShark CRM gives your business the flexibility it needs to optimize sales processes, boost productivity, and improve lead management. By taking advantage of features like custom fields, automated workflows, personalized dashboards, and third-party app integrations, you can tailor SalezShark to meet your specific business needs.

Whether you’re a small startup or a growing enterprise, Customize SalezShark CRM to enhance your sales strategy and improve customer relationships. Embrace these customization options to streamline your sales process and drive business growth.

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