Hello people, before hopping into the insights and philosophy, let me share an occasion that occurred with me a week ago. While boarding the metro from my office area, I saw an elegantly composed billboard on the metro station which states – Looking for a home inside your pocket? Call XXXXXXXXXX. As the home-searcher, I dialed the number in the blink of an eye. With a concise discourse of around 10 minutes, the other individual was of no use to me as he was not giving any land benefits in my area. A day or two ago, I again boarded the metro from the same station, and amazingly the announcement mentioned similar points of interest that I was discussing with that individual. The area/flat size/and different T&Cs were referenced explicitly to get the exact leads whom they could satisfy. That was the exceptional case of sales & marketing alignment which truly demonstrated that all the leads should be well qualified and the sales team should be ready to nurture those marketing qualified leads. The advantages of aligning sales and marketing on the same page is extremely clear: your sales team assisting the marketing efforts in optimizing qualified leads, and your marketing team attracting genuine buyers your sales team wants to deal with. As per studies, successful deals and marketing arrangement is demonstrated to expand income by 208%.
Sales & Marketing on the Same Page
To help you on the mission of aligning sales and marketing on the same page in your organization, we’ve laid out a few stages to improve your current association with these two prominent teams of your company.
- Rebuild Customer Journey
With regards to getting everyone on the same page, start rebuilding the customer journey right from the onboarding to the brand loyalty stage as an experience that will enable you and your team to follow a prospect over the whole channel. Thanks to technology and the innovation of CRM through which most organizations are aligning their sales and marketing team together, trailed by email marketing, impact analysis, and sales automation.
SalezShark sales & marketing automation provides you a 360-degree perspective on every client, and having that uniformity, it empowers teams to act quickly and convey more value at every phase of the customer journey.
- Marketing First
As opposed to outbound marketing, there are more chances of converting deals with the effective use of inbound marketing. When sales reps are screwed up with high target expectation, they end up doing cold calls or sales emails, and prospects are more averse to react positively on those pitches. On the other hand, the marketing team perhaps shoot email campaigns to the wrong group of people who do not qualify the basic sales qualification criteria.
To draft your inbound marketing strategy, sales & marketing people need to adapt “marketing first” approach. It implies marketers to target potential clients with a feasible solution to their business problems, on the basis of sales reps’ requirement. It begins with marketing that revive cold leads and sustain new leads by sharing product’s features & benefits. At that point, when the lead is completely educated and prepared to settle on a choice, the business group can venture in to fortify what the marketing people have said and closed the arrangement.
- Use Client Input
A standout amongst the most dominant things that you can do after you adjust both your sales and marketing groups together is to work upon the feedback that you get straightforwardly from your client. For instance, during sales call you can ask to understand clients’ pain points to discover perfect sales opportunity and direct feedback to upgrade your current product/services. Hence, sales reps can pass on these bits of knowledge to the technical staff for implementation of any technical changes, or to the marketing reps to refine the marketing collaterals for attracting more leads.
- Consistent Messaging
You may have encountered it previously – the business group mentioned the product as “A” but the marketing team has promoted the same product on the website as “B”. Hence, such mistakes/confusions promote ingenuity and not providing the very good first impression to your prospect.
However, it’s imperative to ensure that you have a reliable and coordinated message over your customer journey so that the lead does not feel misled at any point in time. By aligning two groups on the same page, your marketing team would be able to warm up the cold leads prepared for the sales team who will strengthen those equivalent messages and use them to finalize the negotiations.